Sunday, January 6, 2008

My Holiday

In my holiday, first I went to the peak where we can see the beautiful few of Hongkong. Then its alredy the other day so we went to Hongkong Disney Land and we play in there
until night, before we get home we see

we see a show called the the sparkeling
castle, sparkeling castle is when we see
a castle sparkeling brightly and we se
a fireworks to close Disney Land.
Then it came the next day so we went to
Ocean Park in the down place we see the university
dolphin then we go to the cable car
so we are at the top place of Ocean Park.
On the Top Place we go to the Jellyfish
aquarium then we go to a show of a dolphin and
a see lion after we watch the show we go to the shark
aquarium then w get home.
Then another day came up, we went to Shen Zhen,
on shen zhen we go to The Window Of The World.
Inside the windows we can see one thing from each
country except Indonesia. after we go to windows of
the World we went to Splendid Of China and we watch a
beautiful show of China and we buy 3 CD of a show on
Splendid China because we did not watch 2 more show
because the time was to late.Then we get home.
When it is the fifth day we need to get home
to Indonesia but before that we go To Madame Tussaud
where there is many statue of an artist but it look like
real people and when i get out we get a madame tussaud
book but when we look inside the book we see some of
the people that is not in the place. then after
we go to madame tussaud we go home.
Thats My Holiday